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Ashdod satellite with atomic clock

In the laboratory that was inaugurated in Ashdod, a nanosatellite will be developed, and will contain an atomic clock, made by the Israeli company AccuBeat.

Ori Onn, lecturer at SCE and director of the nanosatellite project. Photo: Itay Nevo, Davidson Institute of Science Education
Ori Onn, lecturer at SCE and director of the nanosatellite project. Photo: Itay Nevo, Davidson Institute of Science Education

An advanced laboratory for studying and developing a nanosatellite (a tiny satellite) was inaugurated this week at SCE, the Ashdod Academic College of Engineering. The SCE-SAT-1 satellite will be developed in cooperation with leading companies from the Israeli space industry. The satellite being developed in the laboratory will incorporate a tiny atomic clock manufactured by the Jerusalem company AccuBeat, a world leader in precise time and frequency solutions.


Students from the "Satellites and Space" specialization track in SCE's Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering will test the performance of the tiny atomic clock in space for AccuBeat, a move that will make possible its future integration into operational satellites. Today there is no atomic clock in the world that is small enough to be used in space and the project will constitute a technological and scientific breakthrough. The inaugurated laboratory contains a clean room where students build and develop the nanosatellite.


אבטיפוס של השעון האטומי של חברת אקיוביט הישראלית. 38 גרמים בלבד. צילום: איתי נבו
A prototype of the the Israeli company AccuBeat’s atomic clock. Only 38 grams. Photo: Itay Nevo, Davidson Institute of Science Education


The lab's inauguration ceremony was attended by department faculty members, lecturers, guests from industry and members of the college administration. The event opened with greetings from the Rector and Founder of the College, Prof. Yehuda Hadad, the Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Dr. Irit Juwiler and Nanosatellite Project Manager Mr. Ori On. The ceremony included fascinating lectures, including a lecture by the Director General of the Israel Space Agency, Mr. Uri Oron, on the subject of "The field of space as an engine and a motor for economic growth", by the CEO and Chief Engineer of AccuBeat, Mr. Benny Levy, on the subject of "The world's most accurate atomic clock on a JUICE (Jupiter Icy moons Explorer) mission to the Moons of Jupiter" and of  Chairman and Founder of SpacePharma, Mr. Yossi Yamin, on "Development of innovative drugs using nanosatellites".


צילום: אורי קריספין.
From right: Dr. Irit Juwiler, Head of the Electrical and Electronics Department at SCE College, Ori Onn, lecturer at SCE and Head of the nanosatellite project, Benny Levy, CEO of AccuBeat, Prof. Yehuda Hadad, Rector and founder of the college, and Uri Oron, director of the Israel Space Agency. Photo: Ori Crispin.


The goal of the program at SCE is to provide young engineers with the knowledge and methodologies required to work in the space industry. The space industry is a global growth engine. Israel also has a developed space industry, both in the defense and civilian sectors, and there is currently a shortage of young engineers.


SCE Academic College of Engineering emphasizes joint ventures with companies in the field of space in order to give students practical experience of working in a business environment, as well as opportunities for future employment in this prestigious industry. Over the past 5 years, the Satellites and Space program has grown from 5 students to about 60.