Prof. Avishai Dekel
Astrophysics |
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
The Racah Institute of Physics |
Astrophysics, cosmology, formation, merger, and evolution of galaxies, dark matter halos, cold streams from the cosmic web, supernovae, dwarf galaxies, black holes in galactic centers, cosmological simulations, dark matter and dark energy, large-scale structures, cosmic flows.
Dr. Shmuel Balberg
Astrophysics |
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
The Racah Institute of Physics |
Theoretical astrophysics, supernovae.
" Dr. Itsik Sapir"
Biology |
Afeka College of Engineering |
Engineering |
Biotechnology. Development of algae cultivation systems, extracting materials from algae for the energy, food, supplements, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics markets, food production in resource-limited environments, development of a system for food production in space colonies like Mars and space stations.
Dr. Itzhak Goldman
Astrophysics |
Tel Aviv University |
School of Physics & Astronomy |
Testing gravity theories using pulsar timing data, neutron stars, and supernovae, astrophysical turbulence, astroparticles.
Prof. Dan Maoz
Astrophysics |
Tel Aviv University |
School of Physics & Astronomy |
Exploring the nature and origin of dark matter and dark energy through gravitational lensing and supernova cosmology.
Dr. Rachel Bruch
Astrophysics |
Tel Aviv University |
School of Physics & Astronomy |
Study of the first days following supernova explosions.
Dr. Amnon Stop
Astrophysics |
Tel Aviv University |
School of Physics & Astronomy |
Integration of satellite and ground data (temperature, rain, pollution) for environmental models, using environmental data for decision-making on environmental issues, global warming, NASA data analysis.
Dr. Meir Shimon
Astrophysics |
Tel Aviv University |
School of Physics & Astronomy |
Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation and cosmological parameter estimation, Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect and its cosmological applications, beam systematics and their impact on CMB observations.
Dr. Olga Khabarova
Earth and Environmental Sciences, Astrophysics |
Tel Aviv University |
Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences- Space Weather Center |
Space Weather. Forecasting geomagnetic storms and analyzing space weather, solar data analysis and comparison with solar wind processes, turbulence, solar wind, current sheets, energetic particles and their acceleration and distribution mechanisms, heliobiology, and medicine.
Prof. Omer Bromberg
Astrophysics |
Tel Aviv University |
School of Physics & Astronomy |
The physics of relativistic jets, supermassive black holes in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs), jets from stellar black holes or newly formed neutron stars.
Prof. Michael Geller
Astrophysics |
Tel Aviv University |
School of Physics & Astronomy |
Particle physics in cosmology and astrophysics, dark matter, gravitational waves, LHC phenomenology, Higgs physics.
Prof. Tomer Volansky
Astrophysics |
Tel Aviv University |
School of Physics & Astronomy |
Dark matter, cosmology and particle astrophysics, Higgs boson physics.
Prof. Nissan Itzhaki
Astrophysics |
Tel Aviv University |
School of Physics & Astronomy |
String theory, cosmology, black holes.
Dr. Sharon Sadeh
Astrophysics |
Tel Aviv University |
School of Physics & Astronomy |
Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation.
Prof. Amir Levinson
Astrophysics |
Tel Aviv University |
School of Physics & Astronomy |
Quasars and active galactic nuclei, microquasars, gamma-ray bursts, pulsars, magnetars, black hole and neutron star activity, development of mathematical models and comparison to observations.
Dr. Jonathan Stern
Astrophysics |
Tel Aviv University |
School of Physics & Astronomy |
Theoretical astrophysics, galaxy formation and evolution, accretion onto massive black holes, interaction of black holes with their environment, interstellar medium, circumgalactic medium, intergalactic medium.
Dr. Tomer Shenar
Astrophysics |
Tel Aviv University |
School of Physics & Astronomy |
Evolution of massive stars, stellar collapse into neutron stars and black holes, binary systems of massive stars, observational data collection using spectrographs, member of the development team for the MOSAIC instrument for the E-ELT telescope.
Prof. Amiel Sternberg
Astrophysics |
Tel Aviv University |
School of Physics & Astronomy |
Theoretical astrophysics, galaxy evolution, star formation, cosmic structure, black holes and active galactic nuclei, interstellar and intergalactic matter, astrochemistry and plasma astrophysics, dynamics, spectroscopy and radiation transfer, computational and analytical methods, theory of fundamental processes.
Prof. Benni Reznik
Physics |
Tel Aviv University |
School of Physics & Astronomy |
Gravity, analog models for black holes, the information loss paradox.
Prof. Gilad Yossifon
Nanotechnology |
Tel Aviv University |
School of Mechanical Engineering |
Nanotechnology, electrokinetics in micro- and nanofluidic devices, Lab-on-a-chip devices for biomedical and environmental applications, self-propelled particles, micro and nanorobots for single-cell analysis.
Dr. Shai Kaspi
Astrophysics |
Tel Aviv University |
School of Physics & Astronomy |
Research on Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs), measuring black hole mass in AGNs, observations in UV, Optical, and X-ray from ground and space telescopes, studying quasars at redshift greater than 4, high-resolution spectroscopy of AGNs.
Dr. Deganit Paikowsky
International Relations &Policy |
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Department of International Relations |
Strategy, international relations and policy in science and technology, space policy, Israel’s civilian space policy, Vice President of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF).
Prof. Benny Trakhtenbrot
Astrophysics |
Tel Aviv University |
School of Physics & Astronomy |
Formation and growth of supermassive black holes, the relationship between black holes and galaxies, measuring black hole and galaxy properties throughout the universe, material accretion onto black holes, rapid and efficient accretion, cosmology.
Dr. Iair Arcavi
Astrophysics |
Tel Aviv University |
School of Physics & Astronomy |
Observational astrophysics, supernovae, neutron star mergers, tidal disruption of stars by black holes, energetic phenomena, robotic telescopes, fast and transient events, cosmology.